Monday, October 18, 2010


I went to sleep late last night and nearly fell asleep in my third period >.>


We had to do this map project thing in Social studies, showing the directions from our houses to the school, and present them. The teacher calls me up to do my presentation.

Me: Okay, well I start on-

Two kids start talking and laughing.

Me: Ummmm *gives look to teacher*
Teacher: Boys, detentions for each of you.
Kids: Awww
Me: Anyways, I begin-
Woman calling from office: Hello, is Drew in your class?
Teacher: Drew left two weeks ago.
Woman calling from office: Ohhhhh okay. *hangs up*
Me: *thinks* Doesn't the freaking school board keep track of the students that move????
Me: Well, as I was saying-
Random student: *goes up to teacher* I have a question about-

Natalie and Jenny: *get in line for food*
Erin: Hey, Natalie has a couple of bucks sitting right there. *points to her lunch box*
Me: *takes money and stuffs in pocket*
Natalie: I'm baaaaack. *pushes me* SCOOT OVER.
Me: Try being nice to me, or else your dollars will be burnt! >:U
Natalie: You don't have my money.
Me: Oh? *pulls money out of pocket*
Natalie: HANNAH! *takes money back* Not only will you be a murder, but a robber, too!
Me: Memorize my mug shot, then point out to your children "Hey kids, that's my old pal, Hannah! She finally got arrested!"
Natalie: >.>

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